Our Casa Rural is not just any Casa Rural. Yes, you can enjoy all the flora and fauna, take beautiful walks and relax in one of the many nice ‘hang out’ places on the finca while enjoying the view. But one of the extras that makes it so special is that within the finca we also have a sanctuary for very old dogs without a home: Sanctuary Piña & Pepe.
In most cases these are shelter dogs that have lived on cement and behind metal bars for a long time or even all their lives, They finally come home to us and never have to see people pass by their cage again, wishing to be adopted. Here they can enjoy the last stage of their lives with dignity, lots of love and care.
Our oldies live in a real house, sharing a large living room with sofas, beds, a bookcase with mainly children’s books (we’re reading them a story in the evening before kissing them goodnight), plants, rugs and a cozy stove and lights. The house also has a ‘canteen’ where we prepare their food twice a day and a real dog shower mostly for medical shampoo treatments, as we prefer dogs that smell like dog to perfumed dogs 🙂
The dog house also has a small room in case the vet needs to look at one of the dogs separately and we cannot take the dog to the clinic when he or she is not moveable. Fortunately, we have incredibly sweet and fantastic veterinarians, who assist us day and night and for whom nothing is ever crazy enough. Because with all these oldies there is always something..
Our darlings always have the option to be inside or outside. They walk into their spacious, well-fenced garden via a specially made slope. And in that garden they have their own swimming pool. Only open, of coure, when the lifeguard is present.
In order to give all dogs their well-deserved attention and care, we keep it small. Moreover, we also want to prevent stress or at least reduce it to a minimum. So integrating new dogs is done one by one and with lots of guidance. To achieve this, we collaborate with a professional dog trainer, With this trainer we also work on activities that are tailored to the capabilities of each dog. Those who can and want to come with us on a daily walk or on an excursion with the special dog bus and/or run around the ground of the finca before dinner is being served. Unfortunately, we cannot allow guest dogs into the Casa Rural for the time being. Partly for the reasons of stress reduction described above.
If you come and spend the night in our Casa Rural, you immediately sponsor the sanctuary, because a large part of the proceeds goes to our dogs. You will not be confronted with the dogs unintentionally; we never just let them run around, But a bit of affinity with our charity is needed. If you want, you can visit the sanctuary under supervision, read a story to them, or come with us on a walk.
Would you like to see and read more about it? Follow us on Instagram: sanctuarypinaandpepe